Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

It's been a busy few days here at PSL. We have hit some minor bumps in the road but are on our way once again. Unfortunately my milk supply has not been able to keep up with Bradley's rapidly growing appetite so we had to introduce formula. I was not expecting to have to do this, as most Mom's expect their bodies to do what they are made to do and provide their baby with enough milk for them to grow on. That has not been our luck here. On Monday night we had to give Bradley his first taste of formula and it did not take well. He immediately threw up all of the formula. The doctors decided after a second attempt to try a different formula. He didn't seem to mind the taste but his stomach could not tolerate it. Finally we switched to a formula that is "pre-digested" meaning his body does not have to work so hard to break down the formula and he seems to like it more than the first two, so we are sticking with it. I am still pumping and recently started nursing so he is still getting breast milk but we are having to feed formula when we run out of my supply. He had a rough couple of days trying to adjust to the formula since his stomach is more sensitive than a normal baby's. Last night was a successful night with his feedings and today he did great. We are hoping his body is getting use to having formula in it and can continue to function as well as it does on breast milk. He is making lots of new friends with all of the nurses and quickly becoming a NICU celebrity! One of the neonatologists today said that he is a miracle gastroschisis baby as most have a much more difficult path. We are so thankful for the positive thoughts and prayers we are receiving from everyone... it's working!

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