Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29th 2012

Yesterday was a big day for Bradley. He was moved to the "Graduate NICU" and they started feeding him breast milk. Dave and I were told this news last night when we returned to PSL and were so surprised! We bolted to the 7th floor to see our little graduate and were shocked to see him without any tubes on his face! This was the first time we saw our precious boys face without anything taped to it. Yet, another amazing moment for Dave and I. We got to feed him his tiny little bit of milk and he drank it faster than I've ever seen a baby drink anything. He handled the first few feedings before he threw up the milk. Our doctor informed us this happens 100% of the time with the first time feeding. The baby's insides need to wake up and start working and this is where it can get tough. They like to get the baby eating and digesting for five days without complications before they send the baby home. After he couldn't handle the milk the doctors put the tube back in to his stomach to draw out anything in it before they start feeding again. He had a tough day today since he had a taste of food and now had that taken away from him. I was with him for 12 hours straight today and held him for a good portion of it. He loves being held and is such a good baby. Dave has returned to Loveland to work and has been coming to the hospital after work and doing the night time changing. We are really trying to stay positive and hopeful for taking our miracle baby home within the next few weeks or less. He is such a healthy boy and is so close to being done with all of this. We can not believe that tomorrow he will be one week old!

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